Saturday, June 27, 2015


Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

I have found this to be true more times in my life than I can count. Why people in general are more gullible and so willing to accept when they're told lies and yet, when they're told and shown the truth, they will pick the truth apart believing the truth is lies and even when provided factual data substantiating the truth, is beyond me and makes no sense.

So many problems between people both on a small scale and a large one are brought on because of lies that have been told and spread. More often than not, those who tell lies have an agenda, like for covering up something they are doing or have done they know is wrong. Then when another person (whistleblower) either learns the hidden truth or is connecting the dots of the hidden truth, the whistleblower is accused of lying. Since people in general believe lies more readily than will believe the truth, especially denouncing lies, exposing the liars and deceivers is so much more difficult than it should be, ultimately protecting the liars and deceivers.

"Feed people lies and they'll eat every bite!
Gobble them up! Swear they're right!
Feed people the Truth they'll reject the taste,
Throw it away, treat it like waste."

Quote/Image by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
© All rights reserved.
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Additional credit: original owl image
Author: Unknown
Art by Artsieladie

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

Inner beauty, strength, and value is not "gender specific". Both a man and a woman can "choose" to be, have, and project these.

So often, as I wander around Facebook and other social sites, seeing the posts of my friends and on many pages, I see many shares about the beauty and so forth of women. Don't get me wrong, however. I'm not criticising this. But.. there are also many good and yes, beautiful men, not just or mainly women. ..And so, in all fairness, I would like to see more credit given to good men as well. The true beauty of a "person" is their inner beauty, in their strengths and in their values.

There is an inner beauty, strength and value about a person:
- Who believes in, accepts, likes, and respects themselves, which enables them to do and be likewise with others.
- Who knows themselves, acknowledging both their pluses and their minuses.
- Who chooses empathy over apathy in regards to others.
- Who knows they are capable of anything they put their mind to.
- Who forges and follows their own path, rather than blindly following along behind others.
- Who is not thrown off by obstacles along the way, including by others who are determined to deter them.
- Who's reasoning and intelligence comes from experience and lessons learned therefrom.
- Who knows they can fall, can fail, but can and do pick themselves back up again and move forward as an 'improved'... "work in progress".
- Who, knowing they themselves can and do make mistakes from which they themselves learn from, accept that others must also be afforded the same courtesy.
- Who takes a stand and then stands by it, especially when tested.
- Who realises their own inner beauty, strengths, and values, can and will intimidate others who only wish for the same to be present within themselves.
- Who’s confidence is the result of... all of the aforementioned.

"One's Inner Strength and Value 
Is One's Inner and True Beauty."

Quote/Words/Yellow rose/Design by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
©2013 All rights reserved.
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Pen graphic by Artsieladie

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Photo background:
Art by Artsieladie


Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

When we "Live to Love", make Love as the center of our life, nurture and maintain Love in our heart, we then cultivate a positive outlook on life. We look for the best in people not the worst or the lesser. Living a positive life, we then Love living. If we all lived this way, we could live peacefully and happily with one another.

"When we Live to Love, we Love to Live,
To ourselves and others, Peace we give."

Quote/Image by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
© All rights reserved.
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Art by Artsieladie


Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

The Gift Of Love is never wrong.
Love always fits and does belong.

Love makes weak become strong.
Love is life's sustaining, sweetest song.

~ Quoem by Artsieladie 

"Of all the Gifts, Love is the Best,
Give Love freely without request."

Quote/Image by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
© All rights reserved.
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Art by Artsieladie

Monday, June 22, 2015


Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

Life is pretty much about trial and error, making mistakes and then seeing what and how something went wrong and then working on correcting the mistake/error part(s) until we get it right, therefore reaching success. So, if we're afraid of making mistakes, we then remove the bridge that leads to success, we then deny ourselves the chance to learn and grow, to make progress and our life ultimately will become stale and monotonous.

"If you fear failure, you will deny success."

Quote/Image by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
© All rights reserved.
You may also want to look over the Sitemap.

Additional credits - Owl (original):
Art by Artsieladie

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

When folks are caring, compassionate, and kind,
Harbour a forgiving heart and with an open mind,
Hugs are given freely, smiles then abound,
As Love works its Magic, making winners all around! 

~ By Artsieladie ©2015-06-20 23:11:00 (EST)

"Caring costs little.. 
Forgiveness slightly more...
Hugs are always free... 
Love's the all winning score!"

Quote/Image design by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
© All rights reserved.
You may also want to look over the Sitemap.

Additional credits: 
Original doves by Pewter7:
Girl with dove - Author: Unknown
Art by Artsieladie

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

To walk the "Path of Honesty" takes courage, determination, perseverance, and a very strong sense of knowing right from wrong and then abiding by and living this lifestyle. Anything in life of "real value" like a person's trustworthiness, loyalty, integrity, and virtue, which constitutes having a character of excellence, must be earned and when earned, these people are winners and these have what it takes to be the great leaders we have had in the history of the world. 

Unfortunately, too many become leaders who operate through deception and underhanded, self serving practices. Though these may seem like winners, they aren't in reality and usually, sooner or later, they are revealed as nothing more than pathetic losers without the guts to stand up to, support, and tell the truth; who were nothing more than 'master manipulators' and used deception to gain a high position in society, only to have their castle built on the shifting sand of lies come crashing down around them when the real truth is disclosed about them. Then a society that once revered them will ultimately turn to being disgusted with them. 

An example who comes to mind here is Lance Armstrong. So many supported, admired, and looked up to him but in the end, when the truth came out, everything he built around lies and deception came crashing down. So instead of being a 'winner', ultimately he was a 'loser' in disguise.

"Winners accept and deal with the truth;
Losers accept and work with the lies."

Quote/Image by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly © All rights reserved.
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Art by Artsieladie


Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

As confusing as this quote may seem at first, when you think about it, the message becomes crystal clear. When one learns their limitations and everyone has some at least, instead of wasting time and energy on pursuing what you already know to be futile, you straight away use your energy and time to pursue an avenue "around" an obstacle because you know already what doesn't or won't work.

"Know your limitations to 'delimit' yourself."

Quote/Image by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
© All rights reserved.
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Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

We know to be careful with who we trust because we know not everyone can be. In fact few can truly BE trusted. But how careful are we with those who are trusted by those we trust? Think about this. Just because we can trust someone, it doesn't mean we can automatically extend our trust to those they trust. This is often overlooked when it shouldn't be.

Quote/art by Artsieladie
PNG link:

"Be careful who you trust...
But beware of who you trust, 'trusts'!"

Quote/Image by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly © All rights reserved.
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Art by Artsieladie


Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

This is so true and I've learned this a number of times throughout my life usually the painful way. You may believe a friend is really a true friend but until you've found yourself going through some tough times will you find out how true or not the friendship is and if the friend you thought to be true actually sticks by you through the thick and the thin, only then will you know they are a true friend, when they have proven they are. Don't expect the number of your true friends to be high or significant because true, real friends are few and far between. Be sure then to cherish, treasure, and appreciate your true friends and never take them for granted.

The same is applicable with Love. You may believe it when another tells you they Love you, that you're the joy of their life, etc.. But until the Love between you and another undergoes some trying, difficult times, will you then find out the "trueness" of your Love relationship. This is when you'll learn they either truly Love you or they don't. If another is truly invested in the Love between you two, they will stick with you and want to work through a problem or problems with you to resolve it/them. Otherwise they'll see it as an opportunity to free themselves from the relationship.

..And if this is the case, let them go because there's NOTHING you can ever do to make another Love you. They either do or they don't. There's no in between. If they're not going to be with you when you need them the most, therefore in reality you're on your own, then you might as well be without them, be on your own altogether. As painful as it is to let someone go you Love, you WILL survive and not only will you survive, you will come through stronger, wiser, and more resilient in the process.

In both of the aforementioned scenarios finding out another is not a friend really or the one you Love doesn't really Love you, compounds the difficulty of the situation because when you need someone the most, they bail. This is when it's time to forgive to free yourself from a fair weather friend/Lover but do not forget. Otherwise, you'll be doomed to repeat history. Remember, few people change their ways.

"It is through our most trying times, 
we find our truest friends."

Quote by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
© All rights reserved.
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Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

Too often people decline to reach out to and/or help someone because it would mean investing some of their own precious time for another; because it would mean they would have to step outside their comfort zone should they elect to get involved. But a person who is selfless as opposed to selfish is a person who's Light shines brightly and speaks volumes about their character. They are Beacons of Light and Love. 

"Fear not to shine your Light
Amidst the darkest places;

For your Light may be the hope
Needed by lost faces!"

Quote/Quoem by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly © All rights reserved.
You may also want to look over the Sitemap.

Additional credits:
This image with my quote was created using PoetrySoup's 
Greeting Card/Quote-Poetry Image Generator with some editing with Photoshop:
Art by Artsieladie


Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

When we Love without 'becauses', without conditions, we then can Love truly.

"Love without 'becauses' and you will Love truly."

Quote by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
© All rights reserved.
You may also want to look over the Sitemap.

Additional credits:
Art by Artsieladie


Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

Smile! :)

"If to your face I bring a smile,
Then both our days are made.. worthwhile."

Quote by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
© All rights reserved.
You may also want to look over the Sitemap.

Additional credits:
Art by Artsieladie


Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

If we look with narrow vision, look for the negative, we will be limited in how and what we see and we will find plenty of negative as well. However, if we look with an open mind and a warm heart filled with Love, both positives in and of themselves, we will find and see Love and the positives in life as well as in others.

I also wrote a poem titled, "Lenses Of Love" and is featured on my Artsieladie-Heartbeats Blog, under "Through Our Eyes".

"See with your heart through Lenses Of Love
And your eyes will be filled with the Wonderment of."

Quote/Image by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
© All rights reserved.
You may also want to look over the Sitemap.

Friday, June 19, 2015


Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

Why must we humans see the differences among us as being correct or incorrect? lesser or greater? better or not? good or bad? If we all saw everything the 'same' way, did the 'same' things, liked the 'same' things, etc., it would be a very boring and monotonous world, I think.

Why do humans have to assume the worst about or fear automatically things they aren't familiar with? Unless another's way of life, thinking, etc. can/will cause harm to others, we humans should learn to respect others, respect others have as much right to think, believe, live differently from us, as we do for thinking, believing, and living differently from others. We don't have to adopt others' way of life, thinking, etc. or even be in agreement with, but we do need to respect their rights as we want respect from others. "Agreement is not paramount for understanding and/or respect to be present." ~ Artsieladie Quote  

"Instead of allowing our differences to bring about division,
We should embrace our differences to magnify our vision."

Quote/Image by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
© All rights reserved.
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