Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Greetings and welcome! 

We all have demons within us that we have to learn how to minimise them and put them in proper perspective so they aren't a detriment to our being, our character. We can't, however, deal with them if we refuse to first acknowledge their existence. Humans tend to put off dealing with anything that's unpleasant and so, think if unpleasantness is ignored, it will somehow magically work itself out but nothing ever gets resolved by ignoring it, whatever it may be. 

Quote/art by Artsieladie
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"Because their presence gives us fright,
Our demons within we hide from sight."

🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃
💟 Have a wonderful day! 💟
Quote by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
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Greetings and welcome! 

Why expend and waste energy on pretending to be someone other than who we are? It just makes more sense to me to concentrate effort and energy in being real and being the best version of our real selves as we can be, giving ourselves worth. Why put effort and energy into being fake, because when all is said and done, it's still fake and fake is worthless. 

Quote/art by Artsieladie
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"Masks are fun to wear on the day of Halloween,
But some wear masks all the time,
Keeping their true selves unseen."

🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃
💟 Have a wonderful day! 💟
Quote/art by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
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Monday, October 23, 2017


Greetings and welcome! 

If only... right? 

Quote/art by Artsieladie
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"Foresight can be blind,
While hindsight's twenty-twenty.
If these could be reversed,
We'd be spared of pain aplenty."

💟 Have a wonderful day! 💟
Quote by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
©2017-10-20 All rights reserved.
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Gold Quote Pen by Artsieladie

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Greetings and welcome! 

When we cultivate gratitude, we arm ourselves against hopelessness. 

Quote/art by Artsieladie
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"Arm yourself with gratitude 
for then you can rely
On a saving lifeline when hope 
seems in short supply."

💟 Have a wonderful day! 💟
Quote/art by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
©2017-10-07 All rights reserved.
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Gold Quote Pen by Artsieladie

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Saturday, October 14, 2017


Greetings and welcome! 

It seems too many folks reach and understand the first half of this quote and then never bother to finish to understand and apply the second half, which is unfortunate since by applying the second half, we add value to our character, which adds to being considerate of ourselves. When we don't apply the second half, we subtract value from our character, making us less considerate of ourselves. 

Quote/art by Artsieladie
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"Of those we are considerate of,
ourselves must be included,
But not of ourselves ONLY,
while others are then excluded."

💟 Have a wonderful day! 💟
Quote/art by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
©2017-09-25 All rights reserved.
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Gold Quote Pen by Artsieladie

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Original background photo
Url: https://static.pexels.com/photos/38136/pexels-photo-38136.jpeg
Art by Artsieladie

Friday, October 13, 2017


Greetings and welcome! 

The word 'drama' is such a widely and carelessly used word because when others are experiencing a tough and/or painful situation or struggle and seek some sort of relief, there are others who then attach the drama label to excuse their own callous and apathetic attitude. But let these same callous and apathetic people find themselves in their own painful and tough situation and then 'their' situation they want/expect others to see it as a 'real' crisis, as they also expect others to be sympathetic and listen to their lamenting.

Obviously, we can't take on everyone's woes. Otherwise, we'd all be basket cases. But we all can be a bit more kind, more understanding, and more empathetic. We all have struggles and painful experiences and there are going to be some that we'll need some help with and support from others to help get us through. Then there are some people who can handle things a bit better than others. Then too, we can't possibly truly understand another's dilemma, if we've never been in the same or similar one ourselves.

We need to be more careful with how we use and apply the 'drama label'. I KNOW from personal experience, feeling so desperate for help, only to have others poke fun and ostracise me cruelly when I mustered up enough courage to ask for help. People who do such, use another's pain against them, kick another down when they are already, are despicable beyond words. It's these same individuals who don't hesitate to cry to others when they're going through something and very often, their situation is minor compared to another's, whom they have belittled and mocked.

Many who are so quick to apply the drama label are in fact guilty of creating and perpetuating what is actually more fitting for the drama label. People who do whatever they can to 'prevent' resolutions, such as stonewalling, circumventing, lying, blame-shifting, etc., do so because they like and thrive on dissension and the drama that's continually created as a result, but will claim another or others are responsible, not them, and very often they blame and attack whomever is trying to resolve an issue because resolving means an end to the drama. A person who seeks to resolve issues and differences, does so to put an end to dissension and the so-called drama it feeds, so the problem(s) can be put to rest and then everyone can move forward with the problem(s) AND drama left behind. 

When we go through less than pleasant experiences in life, we have two choices. We can either become more understanding, more compassionate, and more empathetic OR we can allow these experiences to infect our hearts with bitterness, resentment, apathy, and even hatred itself. The choice of which path we choose to pursue is each of ours only to decide to make and which we choose, neither the credit nor the blame for, can rest with anyone else. 

Quote/art by Artsieladie
PNG url:

"Drama is always 'just drama',
when it's someone else's pain.
It doesn't become a real crisis,
until it hits one's home domain."

💟 Have a wonderful day! 💟
Quote by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
©2017-10-12 All rights reserved.
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Gold Quote Pen by Artsieladie

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Art by Artsieladie


Greetings and welcome! 

Loving another is not about changing another but is about seeing their best qualities and encouraging them to use their best qualities, attributes, to represent and accentuate the best version of themselves. 

Quote/art by Artsieladie
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"Pursuing a notion to change another,
Is not ever the way to Love.
Instead, encourage one to be themselves,
The very best version of."

💟 Have a wonderful day! 💟
Quote by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
©2017-10-06 All rights reserved.
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Gold Quote Pen by Artsieladie

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Art by Artsieladie


Greetings and welcome! 

Oh, how well I KNOW this quote to be true. Those who shoot us down, praying and hoping for us to fail, even some tell us outright that we are hopeless, that we are losers, that we aren't worth a tinker's damn, won't amount to a hill of beans, shouldn't have ever been born, etc.. I've heard them all I think, beginning in my very young and formidable years from my stepfather especially and mostly, completely destroying my self worth, my self esteem, leaving me with deep, painful, internal struggles and led me to make MANY bad choices and judgment calls, particularly in my early adult years that placed me in very precarious and even dangerous situations.

Children can be and often are very resilient but resiliency doesn't remove the "inner pain and damage" and it doesn't simply dissipate when we reach adulthood. In fact, demons result that we must then either battle against, determined to overcome them OR allow them to be representative of our character. Either way, the choice when we reach adulthood is each of ours to make. Blaming whoever or whatever that brought about our inner demons isn't the answer nor solution.

Yes, we have to recognise the root causes because when we deal with the causes with the intent to eradicate or neutralize, we can only then hope to do the same with the resulting symptoms and/or repercussions our demons instigate. When all we do is blame, we're copping out, usually because we haven't the courage it takes to face and/or accept we have our demons. Anything avoided cannot be addressed. Anything not addressed can't be fixed or corrected.

Therefore, when we just blame all those who've said we'd fail to justify our demons that are at the root of our bad behaviour and choices, we are in fact proving those who've done so, right. We reward and grant them their wishes! On the positive, flip side, however, when we face our demons brought about by those wanting us to fail and we learn to use them constructively to motivate us with a determination to rise above with humility and integrity, becoming what they said we wouldn't/couldn't, hence, denying them their wishes but more important, stripping away the power of the demons they implemented in us, we are given a huge jump start with rebuilding our self esteem and worth. ..And when we can be gracious enough to be thankful for those who wished and wanted us to fail, thus ultimately, though inadvertently, being a catalyst for making us
better and stronger in the process, we then have truly attained a satisfaction that we KNOW we've "earned" and is priceless.

"In our lives, we must be thankful 
For those who are our blessin's,
But too, we must be thankful
For those who've been our lessons." 

In regards to my stepfather... As I became a little older child, I began to see the labels he was giving me, were labels more fitting of himself than they were of me, and so, I used him as an example of what NOT to let myself become, that I would instead be smart and defy his label of me as dumb, worthless, etc.. My beloved Mother on the other hand, was a superb role model and mentor for me and I am and will always be eternally grateful for God blessing me with her as my Mom, my mentor, my hero. To this day, I do not feel sorry for bad experiences I've had because without them, I wouldn't be able to understand as well others' misfortunes and bad experiences AND nor would I have the knowledge to write about as I do in my poetry and quotes, as I offer an explanation of in my "Gifted By God" poem.

"A character of integrity doesn't come to be
By denying lesser traits we wish not to see,
But rather by acknowledging they do exist
And under our control, they can't then persist."
~ Artsieladie Quotes 

Quote/art by Artsieladie
PNG url:

"One of our greatest satisfactions
can to us belong,
When those who've said we'd fail,
we have proven wrong."

💟 Have a wonderful day! 💟
Quote by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
©2017-09-25 All rights reserved.
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Gold Quote Pen by Artsieladie

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Art by Artsieladie


Greetings and welcome! 

It's good usually to gain knowledge, to empower ourselves with knowledge but it's pointless to gain/absorb knowledge, if we don't apply the knowledge gained and if we gain knowledge only for self serving reasons. We are all gifted in some way or ways but we aren't gifted to serve only our own best interests and/or to hurt/harm and use against others. We're gifted so that we may share our gifts with and to benefit others as well as ourselves to keep humanity progressively growing and becoming a wiser and better human race. THIS is wisdom.

Those who have gained knowledge and are therefore intelligent but choose to use their intelligence to serve only themselves and against others to harm and steal from others in some way or ways aren't wise or intelligent then, but rather settle for making themselves lesser individuals, labeling themselves as despicable ignoramuses.

Quote/art by Artsieladie
PNG url:

"Intelligence alone is highly overrated;
only to be admired,
When humbly applied with wisdom;
for more than self desired."

💟 Have a wonderful day! 💟
Quote by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
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Gold Quote Pen by Artsieladie

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Art by Artsieladie


Greetings and welcome! 

True friends tell us the truth, tell us what we NEED to hear even when it may be something we don't WANT to hear. I may not like what a true friend tells me but I always appreciate a friend's honesty. 

Quote/art by Artsieladie
PNG url:

"Patronizing friends who against us never speak,
Who never rock our boat nor question what we seek,
Don't do us any favours nor do they make us strong
By having not the courage to say when we are wrong."

💟 Have a wonderful day! 💟
Quote by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
©2017-09-25 All rights reserved.
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Gold Quote Pen by Artsieladie

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Art by Artsieladie

Thursday, October 05, 2017


Greetings and welcome! 

This quote correlates with the saying, "A bird in hand is better than two in a bush". Sometimes in life we have to take a chance, take a risk, to go for achieving a particular goal we're seeking, because if we don't, we can't ever know if we would have reached what we're seeking. But... on the other hand, we must learn/know when we already have something priceless and precious, we must appreciate such and not gamble with losing it. Too often we tend to think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, until... we find ourselves on that other side, only to discover it's not as great as we had thought and then we're left with much regret. 

Quote/art by Artsieladie
PNG url:

"A bird in hand versus two in a tree
Is best because of the guarantee,
For two birds in a tree may never land
Into the palm of a reaching hand."

💟 Have a wonderful day! 💟
Quote/art by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
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Gold Quote Pen by Artsieladie

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