Saturday, May 20, 2017


Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie!

Absolutely, I would and do!

"The path of least resistance is the path most take,
But a character of excellence does not, of one, make."
~ Artsieladie Quote ©2017-05-20 

"I'd rather stand alone, stand for what is right,
On the side of Truth as my Guiding Light,
Than on the side of many, be among the crowd,
Where wrong is accepted, widely is allowed."

Quote/Art by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
© All rights reserved.
You may also want to look over the Sitemap.


Greetings and welcome from Artsieladie! 

"Be sure your closet is spotless with no mistakes to claim, 
Before you condemn another's, just to cause them shame."
~ Artsieladie Quote ©2017-05-20 

"People who, others' closets, clean,
Do so because their own are so obscene.
Cleaning the closets of others much better kept,
Is so much easier a task to tackle, to accept."

Quote/image by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
Quote: ©2014 Rocky Rooster: ©1995
All rights reserved.
You may also want to look over the Sitemap.

Additional credits: 
Rooster is from “Rocky Rooster” Colouring Book, written and illustrated by Sharon Donnelly ©1995
Author: Archbob/Goodfreephotos_com
Art by Artsieladie